Monitoring Kubernetes

Introduced in GitLab 9.0.

GitLab has support for automatically detecting and monitoring Kubernetes metrics.


The Prometheus and Kubernetes integration services must be enabled.

Metrics supported

Name Query
Average Memory Usage (MB) (sum(avg(container_memory_usage_bytes{container_name!="POD",environment="%{ci_environment_slug}"}) without (job))) / count(avg(container_memory_usage_bytes{container_name!="POD",environment="%{ci_environment_slug}"}) without (job)) /1024/1024
Average CPU Utilization (%) sum(avg(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!="POD",environment="%{ci_environment_slug}"}[2m])) without (job)) * 100

Configuring Prometheus to monitor for Kubernetes node metrics

In order for Prometheus to collect Kubernetes metrics, you first must have a Prometheus server up and running. You have two options here:

Specifying the Environment label

In order to isolate and only display relevant metrics for a given environment however, GitLab needs a method to detect which labels are associated. To do this, GitLab will look for an environment label.

If you are using GitLab Auto-Deploy and one of the two provided Kubernetes monitoring solutions, the environment label will be automatically added.

Displaying Canary metrics

Introduced in GitLab 10.2.

GitLab also gathers Kubernetes metrics for canary deployments, allowing easy comparison between the current deployed version and the canary.

These metrics expect an environment label of the form $CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG-canary to isolate the canary metrics. If you are using GitLab Auto-Deploy, this label will be automatically configured for you.

Canary metrics supported

Name Query
Average Memory Usage (MB) (sum(avg(container_memory_usage_bytes{container_name!="POD",environment="%{ci_environment_slug}-canary"}) without (job))) / count(avg(container_memory_usage_bytes{container_name!="POD",environment="%{ci_environment_slug}-canary"}) without (job)) /1024/1024
Average CPU Utilization (%) sum(avg(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!="POD",environment="%{ci_environment_slug}-canary"}[2m])) without (job)) * 100